Beit Eliyahu

Beit Eliahu, Meir Rutberg Street 43, Moshava Germanit, Haifa
10 Yokheved Street Haifa Haifa District IL

We are Messianic Believers, meaning we believe that the promised Messiah of Israel has come. His name is Yeshua! We need him because He is our only hope to live life in the way the Creator of the Universe intended.

God created us in His image for a personal and eternal relationship with Him. He wants us to be encircled by His love and live at peace with all His creation. There is no need to describe how far this is from our reality. The Bible says clearly what the reason is: sin. The root of the word sin in Hebrew is ח.ט.א. In use, this word means there is a designated target that we have failed to hit. As a result, we experience the completely destructive consequences of that failure. Every attempt humans make to solve the problem of sin fails. Neither ignoring sin, nor relying on intelligence or emotion, nor following any form of spiritualism or religion can remove sin or help us hit God’s target of righteousness.

As the Bible describes the depth of this problem, it also describes the singular solution: the Messiah, who will bring redemption to all, who will be the atoning lamb without blemish who will take on Himself the payment for sin. To those who trust in Him, God promises complete forgiveness of sins, true peace and eternal life.

We are here today because the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keeps His promises!